Conducting a civil and church farewell ceremony. “TRAUR” funeral service
The earth returns to the earth, but the soul remains in the hearts. Taking our loved one on his last journey is a difficult step, but it is important in order to pay tribute, to give him a last hug, to warm him with the last words, to thank him for the shared moments that will remain forever.

Civil farewell ceremony
Words that warm the soul
Words are important when a heart is filled with pain. A civil ceremony gives an opportunity to feel how joint conversations, laughter, hugs turn into memories that leave a mark in the soul. Each word is a thread woven into images that will always be there.
A civil ceremony is not only a farewell, but also an individual story, where each page is a new stage of life. Here we share memories that we know from the past, but which will remain with us forever. Each story is a fiery dance of memory that warms our hearts.
Church farewell ceremony
The touch of an invisible thread
A church ceremony is a touch to the invisible thread that connects us to the world where souls bloom forever. Here they pray not only for what was, but also for what will be. This thread dissolves in prayers, which become our reflection in heaven.
Prayer as a guide of the soul
Prayer is like a guide of the soul to a new world where there is no pain and suffering. These are words that fly high like birds to carry our thoughts to where the deceased has left. Prayer is a conversation with those who are no longer around, but who will always be in the heart.

“TRAUR” funeral service
Wings for peaceful flight
“MOURNING” funeral service is the wings that help the soul to rise freely to the heights where there are no limitations and pain. They create an atmosphere of dignity, where everyone can say goodbye in their own way, where every chord of music sounds like the birth of a new star.
Memory in every chord
A funeral service is music that pours down like rain, cheerful and sad at the same time. Each chord is a memory of the deceased, each note is an emotion that flows through drops of musical sounds. Here the memory will remain in every bead of sound.
Accompanying relatives and friends
Friendly hugs that warm hearts
In this difficult time, family and friends need friendly, heart-warming hugs. These hugs are not just a touch, but also an expression of the warmest feelings. They help to overcome the pain and be there for you.
Words of understanding and warmth
Words are what can warm a heavy heart. Conversations that sound gentle and with understanding become a bridge between the world of the living and the one who has gone to eternity. Every word is a thread that connects us.
Saving memory
Eternal history in one photo
Memory is a book that unfolds on the pages of photographs. Each of them is a story that remains with us. They keep the smile that remained and reflect the moments when we were together.
Pearls of an unforgettable life
Saving memory is like stringing pearls on a string. Every moment lived together becomes a pearl that sparkles in the light of memories. These pearls are our wealth that never loses value.
Signs of a worthy farewell
Respect that envelops the soul
A dignified farewell is an expression of respect for the one who has gone to eternity. It warms the soul and makes it clear how important this path was in our lives. Here we give the last touches of attention that will never fade away.
To the last chord
A worthy farewell is the notes that sound until the last chord. We leave a memory of how we lived, how we loved, how we gave joy. This is our loyal farewell that sounds in eternity.
Emotions of the ceremony
Words that speak from the heart
A farewell ceremony is a conversation with the heart, where the words come out and sound tenderly. This is the moment when you can share your feelings, where every tear is a drop of sadness stored in memory.
Eternal memory in the soul
The ceremony is not the end, but a new beginning. She gives us an eternal memory that will always be with us. We keep every moment of the ceremony as a memory bead.
The importance of support in difficult times
Hugs that heal
It’s hard to be alone at this time. The hugs of family and friends are what heal wounds. They say that we are not alone and can always lean on a shoulder.
Words that bring peace
Words of support are like a light breeze that brings peace. They make this path a little easier, a little warmer. Words are a gentle breath that reminds us that we are always there.
Holding a civil and church farewell ceremony is a guide to a new world of memories. This is a moment when we can pay tribute, share feelings, feel the power of support. These ceremonies are like music pouring into the sky, completing the melody of the memory necklace.